You're right. I'm obviously not much of an expert either. There's no swordfish in that area.
Now my judgment at this point is pretty suspect, but I also think your original analysis is incorrect. It's true that they all can't be 5/6, but like 5 of them could be 5/6 while one was 5/9.
If we number 1-9 top to bottom and a-i left to right, couldn't you have 5's in 3d, 4e and 7f, with 6's in 3f, 4d and 7e putting the 9 in 5e? That would still work? If so wouldn't that invalidate the original analysis?
There is a swordfish.
9's in 3c, 3g, 3h, 4e, 4g, 4h, 5b, 5e and 5g for the triplets, meaning 8g must be 6...
Sorry about the screw-up.