First, that is a challenge. I did it, and to be sure, that is not easy. It took me around four times as long as my personal best for a Medium puzzle, and while I do encourage more looking and less marking as good form for speeding up entry, I would not ever try to use No pencil marks beyond easy when trying for efficiency; it simply isn't more so. I do go without hints and validation, and have thought about turning off the "Flag conflicting values" help as a way of conditioning myself to be accurate in my clicking. I am not saying it does not make a challenge--but I would not tell anyone to add more challenge to the game until they were confident in mastering it as established. If you are pretty good at Hard and Extreme puzzles, are fast and make few mistakes, it certainly makes sense, but few of us can actually keep all the dimensions of a 9 by 9 by 9 updated mentally for each digit, and fingers only get you so far in marking position.
Happy Puzzling!
--I just tried again, and it took me five times as long as my lowest Top 10 score. :-S